Friday, February 1, 2013

The Macho Man Reborn

Been a while. Short update: I'm out of the Corps, finishing my Masters Degree, and working as an Engineer. I have a daughter now, so chalk that up to three. NO MORE, either. Took care of that ;)

Just got back from 10 days abroad. Japan and Taiwan. I lived in Japan for two years and did the Asian circuit (Korea, Thailand, Guam, etc) but I somehow skipped Taiwan. It was awesome.

And you would not believe some of the things the Generalissimo and his fellow KMT hauled across the strait. Good god...weren't they worried about things like continuity of government and survival? Who has time for giant (albeit beautifully carved) rocks?

My trip home was something of a waste as far as sleep was concerned, because I was busy thinking about how to act when I got home. 
You see, my spouse slept with our roomate while I was gone.

Fun, right? They didn't even wait a full day. 

Now, I have obviously asked him to move out, because ripping out someone's trachea and making needlepoint art with their entrails is, apparently, in bad form.
This still leaves me with a quandary. Fight in front of the kids? No. Treat her with disdain and etc that will be seen by the children? Also not an option. Storm out and 'leave' her? Yeah right. Guess who would win custody. Yup. Ovaries win every time, regardless of who is actually the better option. So what do you do? 

In my case, be polite, respectful, and completely removed. No physical contact, no intimate conversations, and only discuss the matter in private. I've made it clear that we have, at best, a legal relationship at this point. It's the only way I can survive, and still act in a manner that will not impact my kids. They should not have to suffer for their parent's sins. 

Besides, it would have put a damper on the ninja party that ensued.

The Japanese have it in their wacky heads that Americans are shameless consumerists with not a lick of financials sense, and will spend their hard-earned money on almost anything. 

Oddly enough, they're right. I bought my boys two complete Ninja outfits, masks, hoods, robes and all. My daughter got a beautiful silk kimono with a pink sash. The boys promptly donned their ninja suits and ran off to play, and while I had the foresight to not buy them the accompanying wooden katanas, I did not realize that they'd caught some WWE on the telly while I was gone. 

Five minutes later, I walk into the kitchen, to the sight of fists flying, and daggers (plastic knives) bouncing off the cabinets. Before I could react, my 2 year old (who now wears 4-5T) picks his almost-7 year old brother UP, and suplexes him. I'm not talking about an oops-he-flipped-him.

This was a full suplex, demonstrated with all the energy and heedless vigor a little boy can produce. Dwayne Johnson would have been proud. And so was I.

Does that make me a bad parent? Oh, sure, there was remonstrations and corner time for beating up your brother, and comfort for the eldest (who took it quite well, actually. Ninjas don't cry). But hot damn. My kid has a future in wrestling, at the least!

This highlights the differences between them nicely. The oldest is average in height, normal in build, but he's the artsy-craftsy type. He loves to build stuff, play outside, and kick a ball around, but he's insanely creative. His 'little' brother likes legos just as much, but that's where the similarities end. He has actually informed me that he very much likes rocks and dirt, and that sticks are fun. He's ALL boy. Crayons are boring, and if he can't break it, hit it, build it, or run headlong into the wall with it (yeah...he does that. on purpose.) he isn't interested. 

My daughter, of course, was adorable in her little kimono, and she's been a lady from the day she came out. She's tiny (20th percentile) but healthy, and is very ladylike. She likes girl colours, dresses, being clean, and being picked up.

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