Saturday, November 26, 2011

Thanksgiving the First

I've never blogged before.

Should anyone actually read this, it'll be painfully evident within a few seconds that I'm a complete novice. Frankly, I'm not too convinced that I'll have time to keep up with it. I can't figure what is making me start a blog, except for the desperate personal need to get my thoughts on "paper". The act of typing it out is a form of meditation and relief, and who knows? I might even get some meaningful feedback. A diary would require I hand in my Man Card, and hey, it's the Twenty-First Century.

Why Blogger? Probably because I can come back later, read my own blathering and laugh a bit. Because it offers a forum that's anonymous. The fact that my handwriting looks like that of an angry third-grader with palsy may have a bit to do with it as well ;) 
Eh...honesty compels me to admit that holding a pencil requires concentration and not a small bit of pain. Old injury, that.

So on the hubris-laden assumption that someone may actually read this, here's me:

Firstly, vis-a-vis the title, I am a Father. Not a dad, a sperm donor, or a child-support check writer. A Father.
I care deeply for my children. They are my entire world, my reason for being who and what I am, and I know I've only got one chance to do right by them. All the same, I am not a 'buddy' or a 'pal' parent. Like it or not, I'm the authority in their life, the one who has to teach them right from wrong, social cues, mores and morals, how to use the potty, and why the world is poorer for Leslie Nielsen's passing. 
I'm also a husband.
A US Marine.
A Tim Taylor-esque DIY nut, who purchased a foreclosure with dreams of grandeur.
And finally, a closet gun nut. No, not the kind that pistol-whips a fellow Wal-Mart shopper over the last jar of pickled pig's feet. The kind that likes putting lead on paper at increasing distances, testing my skills, and exercising my 2nd Amendment Rights to protect my family.

Why am I bothering with this? As I said, I need to organize my thoughts, and the great thing about Blogger is anonymity. I get all the benefits of a journal without the heinous writer's cramp. I get the opportunity to see if I really am crazy, or if there are a couple of like-minded folk out there after all. 

Mostly though, I just get to vent.

If anything I say offends someone, it's a damned big Internet. Piss off.
If anything I say actually means something to someone, I'd be fine if you wanted to tell me.

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