Thursday, December 1, 2011

My kid is Bear Grylls

Today was an unusual day. I've been pretty under the weather, but being a Marine, that rates just below "needing a haircut" as a reason to leave work. For military folk, you know exactly what I mean. It's complicated by the fact that I am not a medical professional, and the "professionals" at the Naval Clinic seem to have about as much medical training as my 5-year old. 

But I was unusual, because I was sent home on account of being sick. I had gone to the Naval clinic, but they handed me a cold-pack (generic NyQuil and some lozenges) with no attempt at further diagnosis. My superior, however, caught me hacking blood & phlegm into a trash-can, and correctly deduced that, just perhaps, I might be ill enough that Halls Cherry Drops weren't going to cut it. The fact that my voice is reminiscent of Barry White with throat cancer might have been a clue as well. Or maybe it was the fever.

In any case, sanity prevailed. Which, for those of us in the Service, is a rare instance indeed. Short of an open wound or missing limb, the only thing that will get you home early is a house fire. 

Me being sick, we stayed in tonight for a movie and some popcorn, and I learned something about my 2 year old. He's a survivalist. Now, this kid is the antithesis of his older brother. He's built like a battle tank. He's actually only 20 months old, but he's already into 3 year old clothes. Size 9 shoes, size 5 diapers....he's a beast. And he's NOT fat. He has also personally destroyed at least 7 expansion gates in his life thus far, but moving on...

Since Merry Melodies don't interest him, he was orbiting the living room, being two, and coming in for handfuls of popcorn every few. We were only letting him grab so much because we try to limit his 'non-healthy' intake. What I did not realize was that in addition to eating it, he was stashing it. We limit him, so what does he do? Store it. In the Fisher Price shopping cart. In the Little People House, in the block box, in the corner of the room, and on the loveseat under the pillow. Little caches everywhere. I didn't figure it out until I had cut him off, and I still saw him eating it a few minutes later!

Don't ever make the mistake of thinking you are smarter than your kids. They'll prove you wrong in a heartbeat.

Now I need to go pick through the blocks. 
